3in Gun M5 Anti-Tank
8in Gun on Railway Mount Model 1918
10in Gun on Sliding Railway Mount
10cm Kanone 04
10cm Kanone 14
10cm Kanone 17
10.5cm leFH 98/09
10.5cm leFH 16
10.5cm leFH 18
10.5cm leFH 18M
10.5cm leFH 18/40
105mm Howitzer M1
105mm Howitzer M2
12in Gun 50 Calibre Gun on Railway Mount (sliding)
12in Gun on Batignolles Railway Mount (35 calibre)
12in Howitzer on Railway Mount
12in Mortar on Railway Mount Model 1918 (10 caliber)
12.8cm Sf L/61 (Pz Sf V)
14in Gun on Railway Mount Model E
15cm Kanone 16 (Krupp)
15cm Kanone 18
15cm Kanone 39
15cm Kanone (Eisenbahn)
15cm lange schwere Feldhaubitz 13
15cm lange schwere Feldhaubitz 13/02
15cm Schwere Feldhaubitz M1893
15cm schwere Feldhaubitz 02
15cm schwere Feldhaubitz 13
15cm schwere Feldhaubitz 18
15cm schwere Feldhaubitz 18/40 or schwere Feldhaubitz 42
15cm schwere Feldhaubitz 36 L/23
15cm schwere Feldhaubitz 37(t)
15cm schwere Feldhaubitz 40
15cm schwere Versuchs-Haubitzen L/13 (Ehrhardt)
15cm Schwere Panzerhaubitze auf Fahrgestell Panzerkampfwagen III/IV (Sf) (Hummel)
15cm slG33 auf Fahrgestell Panzerkampfwagen II (Sf)
15cm sIG33 (Sfl) auf Jagdpanzer 38(t) Hetzer
15cm sIG33 (Sfl) auf PzKpfw 38(t) ausf H, M/ Grille
15cm Versuchs-Haubitzen 99
15cm versuchs haubitz L/30 (Rheinmetall)
17cm Kanone 18
17cm Kanone (Eisenbahn)
17cm S.K. L/40 ‘Samuel’ in Raderlafette auf Eisenbahnwagen (wheeled carriage on railway wagon)
18.5cm experimental howitzer L/22 (Krupp)
20mm quad AA Tank, Skink (Canada)
20.3cm Kanone (Eisenbahn)
21cm Kanone 12 (Eisenbahn)
21cm Morser (M1899)
21cm Morser L/12 (M1910)
21cm Mörser 18
21cm Versuchs Morser L/10 (Krupp)
21cm Versuchs Morser L/12 (Rheinmetall)
21cm Versuchs Morser L/15 (Rheinmetall)
24cm Kanone 3
25-pdr Field Gun 1939 - 1972: Part One
25-pdr Field Gun 1939 - 1972: Part Two
28cm Haubitze L/12
28cm Haubitz L/12 in Räderlafette (i.R)
28cm Haubitze L/14 i.R.
28cm Kanone 5 (Eisenbahn) - ‘schlanke Bertha’ (slim Bertha)
28cm kurze Bruno Kanone (Eisenbahn)
28cm Küstenhaubitze
28cm lange Bruno Kanone (Eisenbahn)
28cm neue Bruno Kanone (Eisenbahn)
28cm schwere Bruno Kanone (Eisenbahn)
30.5cm Howitzer L/17 i.R. (beta unit)
30.5cm Mortar L/8 / Beta-Gerät
30.5cm schwerer Küstenmörser 09/ Beta-Gerät 09
35.5cm Haubitze M.1
3.7cm FlaK auf Fahrgestell Panzerkampfwagen IV (Sf)/ Möbelwagen
37mm Gun M3 anti-tank gun
38cm RW61 auf Sturmmörser Tiger/ Tiger-Mörser/ Sturmmörser
42cm kurze Marinekanon 12 /Gamma-Gerät
42cm kurze Marinekanone 14 L/12 in Räderlafette M-Gerät/ 'Big Bertha'
4.7cm PaK(t) (Sf) auf Panzerkampfwagen I Ausf B tank destroyer
4.7in Howitzer on Railway Mount Model 1917
57mm Gun M1 anti-tank gun
504, Avro
7in Gun on Railway Mount Model 1918
7.5cm Feldkanone 16 nA
7.5cm leichte Feldkanone/ leFK 18
7.5cm Feldkanone 38
7.5cm Pak40/2 auf Fahrgestell Panzerkampfwagen II (Sf)/ Marder II
75mm Howitzer M1
75mm Pack Howitzer M1
7.62cm PaK36(t) auf Fahrgestell Panzerkampfwagen II Ausf D
76.2mm Divisional Gun Model 00/02
76.2mm Divisional Gun Model 02/30
76.2mm Divisional Gun Model 00/02
76.2mm Divisional Gun Model 02/30
76.2mm Divisional Gun Model 1933
76.2mm Divisional Gun model 1936 (F-22)
76.2mm Divisional Gun Model 1939 (USV)
76.2mm Divisional Gun Model 1942 (ZiS 3)
7.7cm Feldkanone 96 n/A
7.7cm Feldkanone 16
80cm Kanone (Eisenbahn)
8.8cm Pak43/1 (L/71) auf Fahrgestell Panzerkampfwagen III/IV (Sf)/ Hornisse/ Nashorn
9cm Feldkanone C/73/91
90mm Gun T8 Anti-tank gun
A Class Destroyers (1912)
A1N, Nakajima
A2, Vickers Medium Tank Mk I
A2N, Nakajima
A3N, Nakajima
A4N, Nakajima
A5M 'Claude', Mitsubishi
A6M Reisen (Zero) ‘Zeke’ or ‘Zero’, Mitsubishi
A6, Medium Tank
A7M Reppu (Hurricane) ‘Sam’, Mitsubishi
A7V Battle Tank (Germany)
A7, Medium Tank
A8, Medium Tank
A9, Cruiser Tank Mk I
A10, Cruiser Tank Mk II
A13 Cruiser Tank Mk III
A13 Mk II Cruiser Tank Mk IV
A13 Mk III Cruiser Tank Mk V, Covenanter
A14, Cruiser Tank
A15 Cruiser Tank Mk VI, Crusader
A16, Cruiser Tank
A23, Cruiser Tank
A24 Cruiser Tank Mk VII, Cavalier
A26, Cruiser Tank
A28, Cruiser Tank
A29, Cruiser Tank
A30, Cruiser Tank Challenger
A31,Cruiser Tank
A32, Cruiser Tank
A34 Cruiser Tank Comet
A35, Cruiser Tank
A-3, Curtiss
A-3, Douglas Skywarrior
A-8 Shrike, Curtiss
A-10, Fairchild (Warthog)
A-12 Shrike, Curtiss
A-17, Northrop
A-18 Shrike, Curtiss
A-20 Havoc, Douglas
A-24 Banshee, Douglas
A-25 Shrike, Curtiss
A-26/ B-26, Douglas Invader
A27L, Cruiser Tank Mk VIII, Centaur
A27M, Cruiser Tank Mk VIII, Cromwell
A-28 Hudson, Lockheed
A-29 Hudson, Lockheed
A-33, Douglas
Aaron Ward, USS (DD-132)/ HMS Castleton
Aaron Ward, USS (DD-483)
Abel P Upshur (DD-193), USS/ HMS Clare
Abercrombie class monitors
Abbot, USS (DD-184)/ HMS Charlestown
AC-47A gunship, Douglas
Acasta class destroyers
Acasta, HMS (1912)
Achates, HMS (1912)
Acheron Class destroyers
Acheron, HMS (1911)
Acorn Class Destroyers/ H Class Destroyers
Acorn, HMS (1910)
Active class scout cruisers
Active, HMS
Adventure class scout cruisers
AEC Armoured Car
AEC Armoured Command Vehicle
A.E.G. B.I
A.E.G. C.I
A.E.G. C.V
A.E.G. D.I
A.E.G. Dr.I
A.E.G. G.I
A.E.G. G.V
A.E.G. J.I
A.E.G. R.I
Aeronca L-16 Champion
Aeronca O-58/ L-3 Grasshopper
Afridi, HMS (1907)
Agincourt, HMS
Ago C.I
Ago C.II
Ago C.IV
Ago S.I
Aichi AB-2 Experimental Catapult-Launched Reconnaissance Seaplane
Aichi AB-3 Experimental Single-Seat Reconnaissance Seaplane
Aichi B7A Ryusei (Shooting Star) 'Grace' Torpedo Bomber
Aichi D1A Dive Bomber 'Susie'
Aichi D3A 'Val'
Aichi E3A1 Navy Type 90-1 Reconnaissance Seaplane (HD 56)
Aichi E12A
Aichi E13A 'Jake'
Aichi E16A Zuiun 'Paul'
Aichi Experimental Three-seat Reconnaissance Seaplane (HD-28)
Aichi Experimental Type 15-Ko Reconnaissance Seaplane (Mi-go)
Aichi Experimental Type-H Carrier Fighter (HD-23)
Aichi H9A Flying-boat trainer
Aichi M6A Seiran
Aichi Navy Type 2 Single-seat Reconnaissance Seaplane (HD-26)
Aichi Navy Type 2 Two-seat Reconnaissance Seaplane (HD-25)
Aichi S1A Denko (Bolt of Light) Night Fighter
Airacobra, Bell P-39
Airacomet, Bell P-59
Airco D.H.1
Airco D.H.2
Airco D.H.3
Airco D.H.4
Airco D.H.5
Airco D.H.6
Airco D.H.7 Fighter
Airco D.H.8 C.O.W. Gun Fighter
Airco D.H.9
Airco (Westland) D.H.9A
Airco D.H.10 Amiens
Airco D.H.11 Oxford
Airco D.H.12 Day Bomber
Airco D.H.13 Not Used
Airco D.H.14 Okapi
Airco D.H.15 Gazelle
Aircraft Carriers, British, First World War
Aircraft Designations of the Second World War: Japanese Army
Aircraft Designations of the Second World War: Japanese Navy
Aircraft Designations of the Second World War: US Navy
Aircraft Designations of the USAAC/ USAAF/ USAF
Aircraft Designations of the USAAC/ USAAF/ USAF: Attack Aircraft
Aircraft Designations of the USAAC/ USAAF/ USAF: Bombers
Aircraft Designations of the USAAC/ USAAF/ USAF: Cargo Aircraft
Aircraft Designations of the USAAC/ USAAF/ USAF: Fighters
Aircraft Designations of the USAAC/ USAAF/ USAF: Gliders
Aircraft Designations of the USAAC/ USAAF/ USAF: Helicopters
Aircraft Designations of the USAAC/ USAAF/ USAF: Observation and Liaison
Aircraft Designations of the USAAC/ USAAF/ USAF: Reconnaissance
Aircraft Designations of the USAAC/ USAAF/ USAF: Trainers
Aircraft Designations of the USAAC/ USAAF/ USAF: Utility
Aircraft Designations of the USAAC/ USAAF/ USAF: X-Craft
Aircraft Designations of the US Army Air Services Aircraft 1920-24
AK-47 Assault Rifle.
Akagi (Red Castle)
Alabama, USS (BB 60)
Alarm, HMS (1910)
Alaska Class Cruisers
Alaska, USS (CB-1)
Albacore, Fairey
Albacore, HMS (1906)
Albany, USS (CA-123/ CG-10)
Albatros B.I
Albatros B.II
Albatros B.III
Albatros C.I
Albatros C.II Gitterschwanz (lattice tail)
Albatros C.III
Albatros C.IV
Albatros C.V
Albatros C.VI
Albatros C.VII
Albatros C.VIII N
Albatros C.IX
Albatros C.X
Albatros C.XII
Albatros C.XIII
Albatros C.XIV
Albatros C.XV
Albatros D.I
Albatros D.II
Albatros D.III
Albatros D.IV
Albatros D.V
Albatros D.VII
Albatros D.IX
Albatros D.X
Albatros D.XI
Albatros D.XII
Albatros Dr.I
Albatros Dr.II
Albatros G.I
Albatros G.II
Albatros G.III
Albatros J.I
Albatros J.II
Albatros W.1/ B.II-W
Albatros W.2
Albatros W.3
Albatros W.4
Albatros W.5
Albatros W.8
Albatross, de Havilland D.H.91
Albatross, HMS (1898)
Albemarle, HMS
Albion, HMS
Alden, USS (DD-211)
Alecto self-propelled gun
Allen, USS (DD-66)
Alvis Vehicles FV432 Armoured Personnel Carrier (UK)
Amazon, HMS (1907)
Ambuscade, HMS (1913)
Ameer, HMS
Amethyst, HMS
Amiot 140
Amiot 141
Amiot 142
Amiot 143
Amiot 144
Amiot 145
Amiot 146
Amiot 147
Amiot 340
Amiot 350
Amiot 351
Amiot 352
Amiot 353
Amiot 354
Amiot 355
Amiot 356
Amiot 357
Ammen, USS (DD-35)
Amphion, HMS
AMR 33, Renault
AMR 35, Renault
Amsterdam, USS (CL-59)
Amsterdam, USS (CL-101)
AMX-30 Main Battle Tank (France)
AMX 38 (Medium Tank)
AMX R 40 (Light Tank)
Anderson, USS (DD-411)
Angler, HMS (1897)
Annapolis, HMCS/ USS Mackenzie (DD-175)
Anthony, USS (DD-172/ DM-12)
Antonov An-24 'Coke'
Antonov An-26 'Curl'
Antonov An-30 'Clank'
Apollo class second class cruisers
Arab, HMS (1901)
Arado Ar 64
Arado Ar 65
Arado Ar 66
Arado Ar 67
Arado Ar 80
Arado Ar 96
Arado Ar 198
Arado Ar 234 Blitz
Arado Ar 296
Arado Ar 396
Arado SD I
Arado SD II
Arado SD III
Arado SSD I
Arbiter, HMS
Archer, HMS (1911)
Archer Mk I Tank Destroyer (Vickers)
Ardent, HMS (1913)
Arethusa class light cruisers
Arethusa HMS
Ark Royal, HMS, 1937-1941
Ariel, HMS (1911)
Ariete Main Battle Tank (Italy)
Ariksaka Model 1905 Rifle (Meji 38th Year Type)
Arizona, USS (BB 39)
Arkansas, USS (BB 33)
Armour, Napoleonic
Armstrong Whitworth
Army, Russian, 1990s - Longer Article (Peter Antill)
Army Type 87 Light Bomber (2MB1), Mitsubishi
Army Type 92 Heavy Bomber, Mitsubishi Ki-20
Army Type 92 Reconnaissance Aircraft (2MR8), Mitsubishi
Army Type 99 Twin-engined Light Bomber (Lily), Kawasaki (Ki-48)
Arrogant class second class cruisers
Artillery, Napoleonic
Arun. HMS (1903)
Ashigaru (Japan)
Assault Tank M4A3E2 'Jumbo'
Assault Tank T14
Astoria, USS (CA-34)
Astoria, USS (CL-90)
Astraea class light cruisers
AT-3, Boeing
AT-15 Crewmaster, Boeing
AT-18 Advanced Trainer, Lockheed
Atheling, HMS
Atlanta Class Cruisers
Atlanta, USS (CL-51)
Atlanta, USS (CL-104)
Atlantic XHB-2
Attack, HMS (1911)
Attacker, HMS
Audacious HMS
Aufklarungspanzer 38(t) (Sdkfz 140/1)
Augusta, USS (CA-31)
Aulick, USS (DD-258) / HMS Burnham
Aum Shinrikyo Cult
Aurora HMS
Auster, British Taylorcraft
Australia, HMAS
Avenger, Grumman TBF/ TBM
Avenger, Self-Propelled Gun, A30
Avon, HMS (1896)
A. V. Roe and Company (Avro)
Avro 500
Avro 501
Avro 503 (Type H)
Avro 504
Avro 504 (first production version)
Avro 504A
Avro 504B
Avro 504C
Avro 504D
Avro 504E
Avro 504F
Avro 504G
Avro 504J
Avro 504K
Avro 508
Avro 510
Avro Anson
Avro Anson - squadron list
Avro Lancaster
Avro Manchester
Avro Rota
Avro Type G
Aylwin, USS (DD-47)
Aylwin, USS (DD-355)