15cm Versuchs-Haubitzen 99

The 15cm Versuchs-Haubitzen 99 was an experimental weapon that played a part in the development of the 15cm schwere Feldhaubitz 02.

In 1899 the War Ministry and Fussartillerie Inspectorate-General issued a specification for a heavy howitzer with a range of 7,000m, an increase of 1,000m over the existing 15cm schwere Feldhaubitz M1893.

In 1900 Krupp produced their experimental heavy howitzer. This used a short recoil system, with two recoil cylinders mounted under the barrel. Forty two of this weapon were produced, and they were issued to the troops for trials. The results of these trails weren't terribly encouraging, so work moved onto a slightly lighter weapon, which entered service as the 15cm schwere Feldhaubitz 02.

The existing Versuch-Haubitzen 99 were stored in the fortress artillery parks, and 32 of the original 42 were still intact at the outbreak of the First World War.


15cm Versuchs-Haubitzen 99



Barrel Length

1,770mm (L/12)

Weight for transport


Weight in action



0 to 42 degrees


0 degrees

Shell Weight


Muzzle Velocity

324 m/sec

Maximum Range


Rate of Fire

One round/ min

German Artillery 1914-1918, Wolfgang Fleischer. Covers over 100 guns used by the German Army and shore detachments of the Navy during the First World War, a conflict largely dominated by artillery. Each one gets a brief description, a set of technical stats and a good picture. Shows the wide range of gun types and sizes used by the Germans during the First World War, and the way in which they evolved to deal with the unexpected challenges of trench warfare. [read full review]
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How to cite this article: Rickard, J (16 January 2018), 15cm Versuchs-Haubitzen 99 , http://www.historyofwar.org/articles/weapons_15cm_versuchs_haubitzen_99.html

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