16 September 1918

September 1918

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August <
> October

Battle of Megiddo

Preliminary operations begin with a bombing raid of Deraa, on the eastern flank of the front line. This is part of a succesful attempt to convince the Turks that the upcoming Allied offensive will take place inland and not close to the coast.

War at Sea

The Wickes class destroyer USS Dorsey (DD-117) is commissioned. She enters service just in time for service in the last months of the First World War, but that sees more extensive service as a high speed mine sweeper during the Second World War before being badly damaged in a typhoon off Okinawa just after the end of the war.

U.S. Destroyers: An Illustrated Design History, Norman Friedmann . The standard history of the development of American destroyers, from the earliest torpedo boat destroyers to the post-war fleet, and covering the massive classes of destroyers built for both World Wars. Gives the reader a good understanding of the debates that surrounded each class of destroyer and led to their individual features.
cover cover cover

How to cite this article: Rickard, J (27 December 2007), 16 September 1918, http://www.historyofwar.org/firstworldwar/daybyday/1918_09_16.html

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