Official Records of the Rebellion

Official Records of the Rebellion: Volume Eleven, Chapter 23, Part 1: Peninsular Campaign: Reports

The Document

No 1: Report of Maj. Gen. George B. McClellan, U. S. Army, commanding Army of the Potomac, dated August 4 1863


The original report is a single document that covers the entire period 3 July 1862 to 1 September 1862. This was the period that saw the Army of the Potomac withdraw from the Peninsular, allowing Lee to turn north and maul another Union army at the Second Battle of Bull Run/ Manassas. For increased convenience we have split it into smaller sections, divided mostly by content, although the headings we give below are not inclusive.

1: Telegrams to Lincoln from Harrison's Landing, pp.71-73
2: Letter to Lincoln about the conduct of the war, pp.73-74
3: Telegraphs to the President , pp.74-75
4: Telegraphs to General Halleck p.75
5: Confederate action on opposite bank of James River, p.76
6: Rumours of a Confederate evacuation of Richmond, pp.76-77
7: A move to retake Malvern Hill, pp.77-78
8: Withdraws from Malvern Hill and prepares to leave the Peninsular , pp.78-80
9: Receives the order to withdraw from the Peninsula, pp.80-84
10: Progress of the movement by sea, pp.84-85
11: Arguments over available shipping, pp.85-88
12: Goes east to communicate with Halleck , pp.88-89
13: The main army begins to move, pp.89-91
14: The army ready to embark and the end of the Peninsular campaign, pp.91-92
15: The Army sails north, pp.92-93
16: McClellan moves to Aquia Creek, pp.93-94
17: McClellan moves to Alexandria , pp.94-97
18: 28th August, p.97
19: 29th August, pp.97-100
20: 30th August, pp.100-102
21: 31 August and 1 September, pp.102-104

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Official Records of the Rebellion: Volume Eleven, Chapter 23, Part 1: Peninsular Campaign: Reports,

web page Rickard, J (20 June 2006),

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