Huff-Daland XHB-3

The Huff-Daland XHB-3 was a mid-1920s design for a twin-engine monoplane heavy bomber, and was the final entry in the US Army Air Corps’s short-lived Heavy Bombardment series. It would have been a five-man aircraft, powered by two Packard 2A-2540 engines, but the project never developed beyond the design stage. Despite having issued the specification that had produced the design, the Air Corps leadership was not ready to approve a monoplane bomber, and neither the XHB-3 nor the Atlantic (Fokker) XHB-2 were produced.

See also: Huff-Daland Airplanes Incorporated

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How to cite this article: Rickard, J (8 October 2008), Huff-Daland XHB-3 ,

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