Official Records of the Rebellion

Official Records of the Rebellion: Volume Eleven, Chapter 23, Part 1: Peninsular Campaign: Reports

The Document

[p.150][INCLOSURE NO. 2]

[Inclosure No. 2.]

Near New Bridge, Va., June 2, 1862.

GENERAL: Agreeably to your instructions I proceeded to the bridge below New Bridge, arriving there at about 7 o’clock in the morning of yesterday. My instructions were to relieve Captain Brainerd and his command, and then to make an examination to determine at what point the direction then being pursued would strike the opposite bank, the nature of the soil at such point, and the length of bridge required, and, if [p.151] I deemed it necessary, change the direction of the structure. Soon after my arrival on the ground a canvas pontoon was brought, of which I took possession and commenced making the examination above alluded to. When about half way across the stream I was ordered to return by Colonel Lansing, of the Seventeenth New York Volunteers, who said that he had special instructions from General McClellan to see that bridge completed, and by Lieutenant-Colonel Pettes, of your brigade. I returned to the shore and endeavored to find you to report the above facts. Not succeeding, I was ordered by both of the gentlemen above named to go to work on the bridge, which I did, and continued working in that direction until your arrival on the ground, at about 9 o’clock, when the necessary examination was made and the direction of the bridge changed.

Having commenced another bridge in the new direction, everything went on smoothly until I reached the sixth trestle, when, owing to the rapid rise of the water, I deemed it necessary to raise the abutment; in endeavoring to do which, having raised the shore ends of the balks, the whole structure surged inshore and fell with a crash. I immediately went to work clearing away the wreck, and am happy to state that nothing was either lost in the current or broken. When everything was cleared away I commenced rebuilding, and connected with the opposite shore at about 2 o’clock this morning.

I would also beg leave respectfully to report that I was very much annoyed by the constant interference of officers higher in rank than myself who came to me ordering me to hurry up the work, and representing that they had the authority of the general commanding.

Hoping that you will deem this report satisfactory, I remain, your obedient servant,

Captain Fifteenth New York Engineers, Comdg. Detachment.

General D. P. WOODBURY, Commanding Engineer Brigade.

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Official Records of the Rebellion: Volume Eleven, Chapter 23, Part 1: Peninsular Campaign: Reports, pp.150-151

web page Rickard, J (11 August2006),

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