Mitsubishi Experimental Short Range Reconnaissance Aircraft (2MR7)

The Mitsubishi Experimental Short Range Reconnaissance Aircraft (2MR7) was a private venture design produced just before the more successful 2MR8, which entered service as the Army Type 92 Reconnaissance Aircraft.

The 2MR7 was based on the Mitsubishi Navy Type 10 Carrier Reconnaissance Aircraft (2MR1 to 2MR4). This in turn was a larger version of the Herbert Smith designed Mitsubishi Type 10 Fighter. The prototype of the 2MR1 made its maiden flight in January 1922 and was quickly adopted for production. The design was modified several times during the 1920s and so wasn't such an odd choice at it might seem in 1929.

A single prototype of the 2MR7 was completed, and was examined by the Japanese Army, but it was rejected in favour of the Mitsubishi 2MR8, which entered service as the Army Type 92 Reconnaissance Aircraft.

Engine: Mitsubishi-Hispano-Suiza 8 cylinder vee water cooled
Power: 300-320hp
Crew: 2
Armament: One fixed forward firing 7.7mm machine gun and one flexibly mounted 7.7mm dorsal machine gun

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How to cite this article: Rickard, J (4 July 2013), Mitsubishi Experimental Short Range Reconnaissance Aircraft (2MR7) ,

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