The Truce of Deuline (January 1619) ended the Polish-Muscovite War of 1609-1619. That war had been triggered by the Russian Time of Troubles, which had seen the country descend into chaos after the end of the original line of Grand Dukes of Muscovy in 1598. In 1609 Sigismund III of Poland-Lithuania had made an attempt to gain the Russian throne himself, and his son Wladyslaw was even offered the throne, but the original Polish intervention ended in 1612. In the following year Michael Romanov was elected Tsar.
Wladyslaw made a second attempt to gain the Russian throne in 1617-18, but after this failed both sides were ready for a period of peace. In January 1619 Russia and Poland-Lithuania agreed the Truce of Deuline. This truce was to last for fourteen and a half years, and was to expire in 1633. Russian prisoners were released, amongst them Michael’s father, Patriarch Filaret. In return Russian recognised Polish possession of Smolensk, Seversk, Chernihiv and the surrounding areas on the border between Muscovy and Poland-Lithuania. The truce lasted until 1632, when it was broken by Russia (Smolensk War, 1632-34).