No. 803 Naval Air Squadron (FAA) during the Second World War

No. 803 Naval Air Squadron (FAA): Second World War

Aircraft - Locations - Group and Duty - Books


1939 gets three Blackburn Rocs for familiarization flying, but never equipped with it

Blackburn Skua Mk IIs of No.803 Squadron
Blackburn Skua Mk IIs
of No.803 Squadron

25 September 1939 - Ark Royal is escorting Nelson and Rodney in patrol of Heligoland, Lt B.S. McEwen and Petty Officer B. M. Seymour become first British aircraft in fighter squadron to shoot down German aircraft - Dornier Do.18

provided escort for 10 April 1940 attack on the Konigsberg at Bergen

Re-embark on Ark Royal 21 April 1940 to support Narvik ops - most Skuas lost from both 800 and 803

1938-May 1941?: Blackburn Skua
8 October 1940-June 1941: Fairey Fulmar I
May 1941-Crete: Hawker Sea Hurricane
Crete-March 1942: Hawker Hurricane then Sea Hurricane
March 1942-12 August 1943: Fairey Fulmar II

15 June-August 1945: Supermarine Seafire L.III
August 1945-: Supermarine Seafire XV

-1938-: Worthy Down/ HMS Ark Royal
-late 1939-: Sierra Leone/ HMS Ark Royal
January 1940: Disembarked at Hatston, Orkneys
21 April 1940: Re-embark on Ark Royal
October 1940-Crete: HMS Formidable
Crete-June 1941: Dekheila, Egypt
June-August 1941: Palestine
August 1941-March 1942: Western Desert
March 1942-April 1942: Ceylon
April 1942-January 1943: HMS Formidable
January-August 1943: East Africa
12 August 1943: Disbanded

15 June 1945-: Arbroath

Squadron Codes: sss




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How to cite this article: Rickard, J (pending), No. 803 Naval Air Squadron (FAA): Second World War,

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