USS Wilkes Barre (CL-103) alongside Bunker Hill (CV-17)

USS Wilkes Barre (CL-103) alongside Bunker Hill (CV-17)
Here we see the Cleveland class cruiser USS Wilkes Barre (CL-103) alongside the Essex class carrier USS Bunker Hill (CV-17) helping to fight the fires that were started when the carrier was hit by two kamikaze aircraft on 11 May 1945, during the invasion of Okinawa. Despite suffering very heavy casualties, the Bunker Hill survived, although she didn't return to service until after the end of the war. This picture gives a good idea of the difference in scale between the light cruiser and the massive carrier, looming over her from an impressively short distance.
How to cite this article: Rickard, J (6 March 2021), USS Wilkes Barre (CL-103) alongside Bunker Hill (CV-17) ,

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