Preliminary Design 107 for Sampson Class Destroyers, 21 January 1914

Preliminary Design 107 for Sampson Class Destroyers, 21 January 1914
Here we see Preliminary Design No.107, Destroyers 63-70, Jan 21 1914, an early design for the Sampson class destroyers, showing them with twelve 21-in torpedo tubes in four triple mountings. The eventual design was very similar to this layout. They were approved in June 1914 and the Sampson was laid down on 21 April 1915.
U.S. Destroyers: An Illustrated Design History, Norman Friedmann . The standard history of the development of American destroyers, from the earliest torpedo boat destroyers to the post-war fleet, and covering the massive classes of destroyers built for both World Wars. Gives the reader a good understanding of the debates that surrounded each class of destroyer and led to their individual features.
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How to cite this article: Rickard, J (20 January 2018), Preliminary Design 107 for Sampson Class Destroyers, 21 January 1914 ,

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