A line of Lockheed Hudsons arrive in the UK

A line of Lockheed Hudsons arrive in the UK

Here we see a line of seven Lockheed Hudsons that have just arrived in the UK ready to be assembled.

Lockheed Hudson Aircraft in WWII, Andrew Hendrie, Crowood Press. A look at the development of the Hudson, and its career with the RAF, USAAF, RNZAF and RAAF. Covers the anti-submarine and anti-shipping uses of the Hudson, as well at its role in Air-Sea Rescue and special operations. The text is supported by a good collection of first hand accounts.
cover cover cover


How to cite this article: Rickard, J (26 February 2010), A line of Lockheed Hudsons arrive in the UK , http://www.historyofwar.org/Pictures/pictures_lockheed_hudson_arrive_UK.html

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