Radar on USS New Jersey (BB-62), 1943

Radar on USS New Jersey (BB-62), 1943
Here we see the Iowa Class battleship USS New Jersey (BB-62) at the Philadelpha Navy Yard on 8 July 1943, with her wartime radar labelled. SK radar was an air search radar rarely seen on battleships. FH was the Mark 8 Fire Control radar, and the New Jersey carries one set for her two forward turrets and one for her aft turret. SG was a surface search radar, again with one foreward and one aft. FD is Mark 4 fire control radar for 5in guns, and we can see three here, each on top of a gunnery director. Presumably there was a fourth set on the far side of the superstructure.
How to cite this article: Rickard, J (3 December 2022), Radar on USS New Jersey (BB-62), 1943 , http://www.historyofwar.org/Pictures/pictures_USS_New_Jersey_BB62_radar_1943.html

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