USS Manley (DD-74) in First World War Camouflage

USS Manley (DD-74) in First World War Camouflage
This picture shows the Caldwell class destroyer USS Manley (DD-74) in her First World War camouflage, probably before the accidental detonation of her depth charges on 19 March 1918, causing damage that wasn't repaired until after the end of the war.
U.S. Destroyers: An Illustrated Design History, Norman Friedmann . The standard history of the development of American destroyers, from the earliest torpedo boat destroyers to the post-war fleet, and covering the massive classes of destroyers built for both World Wars. Gives the reader a good understanding of the debates that surrounded each class of destroyer and led to their individual features.
cover cover cover
How to cite this article: Rickard, J (1 July 2017), USS Manley (DD-74) in First World War Camouflage ,

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