Roster for 321st Bombardment Group - 445th Squadron Officers A-C

Roster for 321st Bombardment Group - 445th Squadron Officers A-C

This page from the roster for the 321st Bombardment Group covers the seven commanding officers of the 445th Squadron, and the officers from Roy Adcock to Bernard S. Czapski. Note that the flying officers are mixed in with ground based officers such as intelligence or engineering.

This document comes from a pamphlet produced by the 321st Bombardment Group after the war, and lists everyone who served with the group and its squadrons from 15 March 1943-15 March 1945, from the commanding officers to the cooks.

Many thanks to Christine Stewart for sending us this document, which came from the collection of her father in law Eugene W. Stewart, a staff sergeant in transportation with the 321st Bombardment Group.

How to cite this article: Rickard, J (17 October 2020), Roster for 321st Bombardment Group - 445th Squadron Officers A-C ,

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