The OKA-38 Aist (Stork) was a Soviet version of the Fieseler Storch, designed by Oleg K. Antonov using a German example as a template. Stalin was given a Storch in the summer of 1939 after the signing of the German-Soviet non-aggression pact, and was so impressed with the aircraft that he ordered Oleg K. Antonov to produce an un-licensed copy of the aircraft. The resulting aircraft was powered by the MV-6 engine, itself an un-licensed copy of a 220hp Renault six-cylinder inline engine.
A number of prototypes were completed and test flown in 1940, and the OKA-38 was adopted for production as the ShS (Shtabnyi-samolyet or staff aircraft in some sources, Shtabnoy-Sviasnoy or staff and liaison aircraft in others), and a factory was built on the Baltic, but the site was overrun by the Germans in the summer of 1941 after production had begun but before the first aircraft had been completed.