The Hawker Hunter G.A.Mark 11 was a single-seat version of the Hunter used by the Royal Navy for weapons training. The navy was already using the two-seater T.8 earlier in the training process, and in 1961 it placed an order for forty aircraft to be converted from F.Mark 4s to the new G.A.11 standard. This involved removing the guns, installing naval radars and the wing leading edge extension used on later versions of the aircraft as well as a field arrestor hook for use with emergency landing equipment on Naval airfields. The GA.11 could be armed with rocket batteries on both the inner and outer pylons and could also carry HE or practise bombs and the Martin Bullpup and Philco Sidewinder missiles.
The first GA.11 made its maiden flight early in 1962 and then type was then issued to No.739 Squadron at Losiemouth. Nos.738 and 764 Squadrons also received the type. In the 1970s the Admiralty wanted to get funding for more GA.11s but failed and had to operate a number of standard F.Mk 4s instead. The GA.11 was also used by the Fleet Requirements Air Direction Unit (FRADU) at Yeovilton, where it was flown alongside a number of T.8s by civilian pilots and acted as enemy strike aircraft during training.