Fieseler Fi 156D

The Fieseler Fi 156D was a dedicated air-ambulance version of the Storch, modified to make it easier to load patients on stretchers into the aircraft.


The D-0 was the pre-production version of the D series. It had an upward-hinged loading door on the starboard side of the fuselage, just behind the canopy, while the plexiglass panels at the rear of the canopy could be opened downwards. This created a large opening through which the patient and stretch could easily be passed. The D-0 normally carried a second seat for an attendant, but this could be removed and a second stretch and patient carried instead. The D series aircraft could be identified by a small triangular window on the side of the fuselage, at the rear of the normal canopy.


The D-1 was the production version of the D-0, and first appeared in 1941. It was most heavily used by the Wüstennotstaffeln (rescue squadrons) in North Africa. The D-1 was produced in a tropical version, with sand filters, an enlarged oil filter and emergency survival packs. Some sources also mention a D-2 variant. 

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How to cite this article: Rickard, J (5 April 2010), Fieseler Fi 156D ,

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