Mitsubishi Ki-73 'Steve'

The Mitsubishi Ki-73 was a design for a single-engined long range escort fighter, produced in response to a Japanese Army specification issued in May 1943. The Ki-73 was designed by Tomio Kubo, who was also responsible for the Ki-46 Dinah and Ki-83 twin engined fighter. It was to have been powered by the 2,600hp Mitsubishi Ha-203-II twenty four cylinder horizontal H liquid-cooled engine, but this engine was plagued by development problems. As a result the Ki-73 never progressed beyond the design stage, and Tomio Kubo moved on to the twin engined Ki-83, which did at least reach the prototype stage. Despite never having been produced, the Ki-73 was given an Allied code name – ‘Steve’ – because captured documents suggested that the aircraft was about to enter service.

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How to cite this article: Rickard, J (1 December 2008), Mitsubishi Ki-73 Steve,

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