Focke-Achgelis Fa 336

The Focke-Achgelis Fa 336 was a design for a powered version of the Fa 330 gyro kite. The Fa 330 had been produced as a simple reconnaissance aircraft for use from U-boats. It was built around a horizontal steel tube that carried the tail, the pylon for a freely moving rotor, the pilot's seat and his controls. It flew in the airflow produced by a moving submarine. The Fa 330 was a technical success, but unpopular with the U-boat crews. If a submarine was attacked the immediate response was to dive, but if a Fa 330 was in the air then the commander had to either delay his dive or abandon the pilot.

The Fa 336 would have partly solving this problem. It would have been similar to the Fa 330, but with a 60hp engine and landing wheels and a number of other potential design changes. The engine would have given it a chance of staying in the air after its U-boat had submerged, and possibly eluding the Allied attack. The Fa 336 was never built in Germany, and so the design was never finalised. A modified example was built in France after the war by the SNCA du Sud-Est

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How to cite this article: Rickard, J (24 June 2013), Focke-Achgelis Fa 336 ,

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