The Consolidated Y1C-22 was the designation given to three Model 17 Fleetster transport aircraft ordered after the success of the similar Y1C-11.
The Y1C-11 was ordered after the Army examined the Consolidated demonstration machine. It was generally flown by Ira C. Eaker, and used by the Air Corps Chief of Staff and the Assistant Secretary of War for Aviation as a VIP transport.
The Y1C-22 had the same basic layout as the earlier aircraft. It had a metal monocoque fuselage, wooden cantilevered wings, and carried six passengers in a cabin carried in the fuselage below and just behind the wings, and a crew of two in the enclosed cockpit, which was placed at the front of the wings.
The Y1C-22 was powered from the start by the Wright R-1820-1 engine, which provided the same 575hp as the Pratt & Whitney R-1860-1 Hornet used in the standard Model 17 Fleetster, but that was believed to be more reliable and that does appear to have improved the performance of the aircraft. The Y1C-22 is given a higher cruising speed and cargo capacity than the Y1C-11, although the stats for the Y1C-11 might be for the Hornet engine.
The Y1C-22 was said to have been an improved version of the Y1C-11. Photographs of the Y1C-22 show it with streamlined spats around the main wheels, unlike most of the civilian Model 17s, but also shown on photos of the C-11.
Engine: Wright R-1820-1 engine
Power: 575hp
Crew: 1
Span: 45ft
Length: 31ft 9in
Height: 9ft 2in
Empty Weight: 3,326lb
Gross Weight: 5,600lb
Maximum Speed:
Cruising Speed: 180mph
Climb rate:
Ceiling: 18,000ft
Range: 675 miles
Payload: 2,157lb or 7 passengers