The short-lived 1920-24 USAAS aircraft designation system used one or two letter type designations, originally matched to a Type Number. The system was replaced in 1924 by the more familiar system that was used by the USAAS, USAAC, USAAF and USAF.
Bombers used a different scheme. In September 1919 three bomber types were created - Type XI for Day Bombardment (DB), Type XII for (NBS) and Type XIII for Night Bombardment - Long Distances (NBL).
In 1923 the DB type became the Light Bombardment (LB). Heavy Bombardment (HB) followed in 1926, but went out of use in the follwoing year. 1926 also saw the adoption of a unified designation system for bombers, beginning with the Huff-Daland (Keystone) XB-1.
Type I - PW
Engineering Division PW-1
Loening PW-2
Orenco PW-3
Gallaudet PW-4
Fokker PW-5
Fokker PW-6
Fokker PW-7
Curtiss PW-8 (developed into P-1 Hawk)
Boeing PW-9
Type II - PN
Type III - PA
Type IV - PG
Aeromarine PG-1
Type V - TP
Engineering Division TP-1
Berliner-Joyce TP-2 (P-16)
Type VI - GA
GA-1 Ground attack triplane built by Boeing
GA-2 Ground attack triplane built by Boeing
Type VII - IL
Orenco IL-1
Type VIII - NO
Douglas XNO-1
Douglas XNO-2
Type IX - AO
Fokker AO-1 (C.IV)
Type X - CO
Engineering Division CO-1
Engineering Division CO-2
Engineering Division CO-3
Fokker CO-4 (C.IV)
Engineering Division CO-5
Engineering Division CO-6
Boeing XCO-7
Atlantic XCO-8 (DH.4M-2)
Type XI - DB
Gallaudet DB-1
Type XII - NBS
Curtiss-Martin NBS-1
Elias XNBS-3
Curtiss NBS-4
Engineering Division NBL-1 'Barling Bomber'
Martin NBL-2
Type XIV - TA
Elias TA-1
Huff-Daland TA-2
Dayton-Wright TA-3
Engineering Division TA-4
Dayton-Wright TA-5
Huff-Daland TA-6
Type XV - TW
Engineering Division TW-1
Cox-Klemin TW-2
Dayton-Wright TW-3
Fokker TW-4
Huff-Daland TW-5
Keystone./ Huff-Daland LB-1
Atlantic XLB-2
Huff-Dalland LB-3
Martin LB-4
Keystone./ Huff-Daland LB-5
Keystone LB-6
Keystone LB-7
Keystone LB-8
Keystone LB-9
Keystone LB-10
Keystone LB-11
Keystone XLB-12
Keystone LB-13
Keystone LB-14
Dayton-Wright PS-1
R - Racing
Verville R-1
Thomas Morse R-2 (MB-6)
Verville-Sperry R-3
Loening R-4
Thomas-Morse R-5
Curtiss R-6
Engineerign Division R-7
Curtiss R-8