The First USAAF crew to attack a target in Occupied Europe

The First USAAF crew to attack a target in Occupied Europe

This picture shows the first USAAF crew to attack a target in occupied Europe during the Second World War. From left to right are Sgt. Bennie B. Cunningham, Sgt. Robert L. Golay, Lieut. Randall M. Dorton and Major Charles C. Kegelman.

Their first mission came on 29 June 1942, when they took part in No.226 Squadron attack on the Hazebrouck marshalling yards. Their own unit, the 15th Bombardment Squadron, flew its first mission on 4 July, an attack on German airfields in Holland. Kegelman's aircraft attacked De Kooy

Kegelman was awarded the D.S.C. for successfully returning to base despite the lose of one engine of his borrowed Boston III, while the rest of the crew were awarded the D.F.C. Kegelman and Dorton are wearing their awards. They are said to be standing in front of the aircraft they flew on 4 July, a borrowed Boston III.

How to cite this article: Rickard, J (6 September 2008), The First USAAF crew to attack a target in Occupied Europe ,

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