Stalingrad: Operation Uranus, 19 November-24 December 1942
This map shows Operation Uranus, the Soviet offensive that drive the Germans back from Stalingrad and isolated the Sixth Army in the city.
Stalingrad 1942, Peter Antill. One of the most monumental and widely discussed battles in the history of World War II, Stalingrad was a major defeat for Germany on the Eastern Front. The book provides a detailed breakdown of the armies on both sides, discusses the merits of the commanders, the ways in which these influenced the battle and the Germans allowed themselves to be diverted from their main objective and concentrate such large resources on what was, initially anyway, a secondary target. [
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How to cite this article:
Antill, P. (7 June 2009), Stalingrad: Operation Uranus, 19 November-24 December 1942 ,