Andalusia, French invasion of, January-February 1810
Barrosa Campaign, February-March 1811
Estremadura, Marshal Victor's invasion of, March 1809
Estremadura, Marshal Soult's invasion of, January-March 1811
Estremadura, Beresford’s campaign in, March-May 1811
Fuentos de Oñoro, campaign of, April-May 1811
Medellin Campaign , March 1809
Peninsular War (1807-14)
Peninsular War, First French Army of Spain, Spring-Summer 1808
Portugal, Junot’s invasion of, November 1807
Portugal, Marshal Soult’s Invasion of, 1809
Portugal, Wellesley’s Campaign in, 22 April-19 May 1809
Portugal, Masséna’s invasion of, September 1810-March 1811
Spain, French invasion of, February-May 1808
Spanish Junta's Autumn Campaign, October-November 1809
Talavera Campaign, June-August 1809
Valencia, French invasion of, September 1811-January 1812
Cintra, Convention of 22nd August 1808
Valencay, Treaty of ; 11th December 1813
Alagon, battle of, 14 June 1808
Alba de Tormes, battle of, 28 November 1809
Alba de Tormes, combat of, 10-11 November 1812
Albergaria Nova, combat of, 10 May 1809
Albeyda, combat of, 15 March 1813
Albuera, battle of, 16 May 1811
Albuera, battle of, 16 May 1811: Armies
Alcala la Real, combat of, 28 January 1810
Alcañiz, combat of, 26 January 1809
Alcañiz, battle of, 23 May 1809
Alcantara, combat of, 14 May 1809
Alcoentre, skirmish at, 8 October 1810
Alcolea, battle of, 7 June 1808
Aldaya, combat of, 26 December 1811
Aldea da Ponte, combat of, 27 September 1811
Alemquer, combat of, 9 October 1810
Almaraz, combat of, 18 May 1812
Almazan, combat of, 10 July 1810
Almeida, siege of, 25 July-27 August 1810
Almeida, siege of, 7 April-10 May 1811
Almonacid, battle of, 11 August 1809
Alva River, passage of, 17-18 March 1811
Amarante, defence of, 7 April-2 May 1809
Araçena, combat of, 26 May 1810
Aranjuez, combat of, 5 August 1809
Arzobispo, combat of, 8 August 1809
Astorga, combat of, 9 October 1809
Astorga, siege of, 21 March-22 April 1810
Astorga, siege of, 2 July-18 August 1812
Avé, Soult's passage of, 25-26 March 1809
Badajoz, French siege of, 27 January-10 March 1811
Badajoz, first British siege of, 6-12 May 1811
Badajoz, second British siege of, 18 May-17 June 1811
Badajoz, third British siege of, 16 March-6 April 1812
Barba del Puerco, skirmish of, 19-20 March 1810
Barcelona, French capture of, 29 February 1808
Barcelona, siege of, 1 August-17 December 1808
Barquilla, combat of, 10 July 1810
Barrosa, battle of, 5 March 1811
Baylen, battle of, 19 July 1808
Baza, combat of, 4 November 1810
Bejar, combat of, 20 February 1813
Belchite, rout of, 18 June 1809
Benaguacil, combat of, 2 October 1811
Benavente, battle of, 29 December 1808
Berrocal, combat of 20 March 1809
Betanzos, Stragglers battle at, 10 January 1809
Beunza, combat of, 30 July 1813
Biar, combat of, 12 April 1813
Bilbao, first combat of, 13-14 August 1812
Bilbao, second combat of, 27-29 August 1812
Bilbao, combat of, 10 April 1813
Bornos, combat of, 5 November 1811
Bornos, battle of, 1 June 1812
Braga, battle of, 20 March 1809
Burgos, siege of, 19 September-22 October 1812
Bussaco, battle of, 27 September 1810
Cabezon, battle of, 12 June 1808
Cabriels, action at the River, 21 June 1808
Cabrillas Defile, action at the, 24 June 1808
Cacabellos defile, action at the, 3 January 1809
Cadiz, French siege of, 1810-24 August 1812
Calatayud, siege of, 26 September-4 October 1811
Campo Mayor, combat of, 25 March 1811
Campo Mayor, siege of, 14-21 March 1811
Cardadeu, battle of 16 December 1808
Carpio, combat of, 25 September 1811
Casa de Salinas, combat of, 27 July 1809
Casal Novo, combat of, 14 March 1811
Castalla, first battle of, 21 July 1812
Castalla, second battle of, 13 April 1813
Castillejos, combat of, 25 January 1809
Castro Urdiales, combat of, 6-8 July 1812
Castro-Urdiales, siege of, 22 March-12 May 1813
Chaves, combat of, 10-11 March 1809
Chaves, siege of, 20-25 March 1809
Ciudad Real, battle of, 26 March 1809
Ciudad Rodrigo, siege of, 5 June-10 July 1810
Ciudad Rodrigo, siege of, 8-19 January 1812
Coa, combat of the, 24 July 1810
Constantino, skirmish 5 January 1809
Cordova, sack of, 7 June 1808
Corunna, battle of, 16 January 1809
Donna Maria or Venta de Urroz , combat of, 31 July 1813
El Bodon, combat of, 25 September 1811
Epila, action of, 23-24 June 1808
Espinosa de los Monteros, battle of, 10 November 1808
Evora, battle of, 29 July 1808
Figueras, French capture of, 18 March 1808
Fort San Felipe de Balaguer, siege of, 4-7 June 1813
Foz de Arouce, combat of, 15 March 1811
Fuengirola, siege of, 13-15 October 1810
Fuentes de Oñoro, battle of, 3-5 May 1811
Gamonel, battle of, 10 November 1808
Garcia Hernandez, combat, 23 July 1812
Gebora River, battle of the, 19 February 1811
Gerona, first siege, 20-21 June 1808
Gerona, second siege, 24 July-16 August 1808
Gerona, third siege, 24 May-11 December 1809
Granollers, combat of, 21-22 January 1810
Grijon, combat of, 11 May 1809
Guarda, combat of, 29 March 1811
Guarda, combat of, 14 April 1812
Guernica, combat of, 2 and 5 April 1813
Hostalrich, combat of, 7 November 1809
Hostalrich, siege of, 16 January-12 May 1810
Igualada, combat of, 17-18 February 1809
Jaen, combat of, 23 January 1810
Lequeitio, combat of, 21-22 June 1812
Lequeitio, combat of, 30 May 1813
Lerida, siege of, 15 April-14 May 1810
Linzoain, combat of, 26 July 1813
Lugo, skirmish at, 7 January 1809
Maguilla, combat of, 11 June 1812
Mallen, action at, 13 June 1808
Madrid, siege of, 1-4 December 1808
Majalahonda, combat, 11 August 1812
Manresa, combat of, 5 April 1810
Mansilla, battle of, 30 December 1808
Margalef, combat of, 23 April 1810
Maria, battle of, 15 June 1809
Mataro, storm of, of 17 June 1808
Maya, battle of, 25 July 1813
Medina del Rio Seco, battle of, 14 July 1808
Mequinenza, siege of, 15 May-18 June 1810
Meza de Ibor, combat of, 17 March 1809
Miajadas, combat of 21 March 1809
Misarella, Soult’s passage of the, 17 May 1809
Mislata, combat of, 26 December 1811
Molina, siege of, 26 September-27 October 1811
Molins del Rey, battle of, 21 December 1808
Mora, combat of, 18 February 1809
Navas de Membrillo, combat of, 29 December 1811
Ocaña, battle of, 11 November 1809
Ocaña, combat of, 11 November 1809
Oitabén River, combat of the, 7-8 June 1809
Olivenza, siege of, 11-22 January 1811
Olivenza, siege of, 9 April-15 April 1811
Oporto, battle of, 12 May 1809
Oropesa, siege of, 19 September-11 October 1811
Pamplona, French capture of, 16 February 1808
Peso de Regoa, combat of, 10 May 1809
Pombal, combat of, 11 March 1811
Ponte Nova, Soult's passage of the, 15/16 May 1809
Portugalete, combat of, 11 July 1812
Poza de la Sal, combat of, 10-11 February 1813
Puente Larga, combat of, 30 October 1812
Pyrenees, battles of the, 25 July-2 August 1813
Retiro, siege of, 13-14 August 1812
Rio Mayor, skirmish of, 19 January 1811
Rolica, battle of, 17 August 1808
Roncal, combat of, 12-13 May 1813
Roncesvalles, battle of, 25 July 1813
Ronquillo, combat of, 25-26 March 1810
Rosas, siege, 6 November- 5 December 1808
Sabugal, combat of, 3 April 1811
Saguntum, battle of, 25 October 1811
Saguntum, siege of, 23 September-26 October 1811
Sahagun, battle of, 21 December 1808
Salamanca, battle of, 22 July 1812
Salamanca Forts, siege of, 17-26 June 1812
Salamonde, combat of, 17 May 1809
San Cristobal, combat of, 20-22 June 1812
San Munoz, combat of, 17 November 1812
San Pelayo, combat of, 24 March 1813
San Sebastian, French capture of, 5 March 1808
San Sebastian, siege of, 28 June-8 September 1813
Santander, siege of, 22 July-3 August 1812
Santiago, combat of, 23 May 1809
Saragossa, first siege of, 15 June-13 August 1808
Saragossa, second siege, 20 December 1808-20 February 1809
Segorbe, combat of, 30 September 1811
Sobral, first combat of, 12 October 1810
Sobral, second combat of, 14 October 1810
Somosierra Pass, battle of, 30 November 1808
Sorauren, first battle of, 28 July 1813
Sorauren, second battle of, 30 July 1813
Sumbilla, combat of, 1 August 1813
Tafalla, siege of, to 11 February 1813
Talavera, battle of, 27-28 July 1809
Talavera, the armies at, 27-28 July 1809
Tamames, battle of, 18 October 1809
Tarifa, siege of, of 20 December 1811-5 January 1812
Tarragona, siege of, 3 May 1811-28 June 1811
Tarragona, siege of, 3-12 June 1813
Tiebas, combat of, 9 February 1813
Tremendal, combat of, 23-24 November 1809
Torrijos, combat of, 26 July 1809
Tortosa, siege of, 16 December 1810-2 January 1811
Tudela, action of, 8 June 1808
Tudela, battle of, 23 November 1808
Ucles, battle of, 13 January 1809
Usagre, combat of, 25 May 1811
Valencia, first battle of, 26-28 June 1808
Valencia, siege of, 25 December 1811-9 January 1812
Valls, battle of, 25 Feb 1809
Valmeceda, skirmish at, 8 November 1808
Valverde, combat of, 19 February 1810
Venta de Urroz or Donna Maria, combat of, 31 July 1813
Venta del Pozo and Villadrigo, combat of, 23 October 1812
Vich, battle of, 20 February 1810
Villa Muriel, combat of, 25 October 1812
Villafranca, combat of, 30 March 1810
Villagarcia, battle of, 11 August 1810
Villagarcia, combat of, 11 April 1812
Villena, siege of, 12 April 1813
Vimiero, battle of, 21 August 1808
Vittoria, battle of, 21st June 1813
Yanzi, combat of, 1 August 1813
Yecla, combat of, 11 April 1813
Zalamea, combat of, 15 April 1810
Zornoza, battle of, 31 October 1808
Areizaga, General Carlos, - 1816
Ballesteros, General Francisco, 1770-1832
Blake, Joachim, 1759-1827
Castaños, General Francisco Xavier, Duke of Baylen, 1756-1852
Crauford, Robert (1764-1812)
Cuesta, Don Gregorio de la, 1740-1812
Dupont De L’Etang, General Pierre Antoine, 1765-1840
Gouvion-Saint-Cyr, Laurent Marquis de (1764-1830)
Hill, Rowland "Daddy" (1772-1842)
Jourdan, Jean-Baptiste Comte, Marshal of France, 1762-1833
Junot, Andoche, duc d’Abrantès, 1771-1813
Lasalle, Antoine , 1775-1809
Lefebvre, Francois Joseph, duke of Danzig, 1755-1820
Lefebvre-Desnouettes, Charles, 1755-1820
Lowery Cole, Galbraith (1772 -1842)
Massena, Andre, Duc de Rivoli, Prince d'Essling (1758-1817)
Napoleon I, Emperor of France (1769-1821)
Reding, Teodoro, d.1809
Soult, Marshal Nicholas Jean de Dieu, duc de Dalmatie, 1769-1851
Marshals of France, Napoleon's
Torres Vedras, Lines of
Bukhari, Emir, Napoleon's Marshals
Fletcher, Ian, Vittoria 1813
Haythornthwaite, Philip, Napoleon's Commanders: Vol 1
Haythornthwaite, Philip, Napoleon's Commanders: Vol 2