24 August 1943


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War in the Air

Eighth Air Force Heavy Bomber Mission No. 86: 110 aircraft sent to Villacoublay, 42 to the airfields ant Conches and Evreux/ Fauville, 85 to the airfield at Bordeaux/ Merignax and 36 on a diversionary sweep. Four aircraft lost.

War at Sea

German submarine U-134 sunk with all hands in the Bay of Biscay

German submarine U-185 sunk in the Central Atlantic


Quadrant Conference at Quebec comes to an end

Great Britain and the United States officially recognise the French Committe for National Liberation (Algiers)


Himmler is appointed as German Minister of the Interior


Allied navies bombard Locri (Italy)


American troops reach the Japanese barge base at Bairoko but find it deserted. This ends the fighting on the main island of New Georgia (Operation Toenails).

How to cite this article: Rickard, J (28 December 2007), 24 August 1943, http://www.historyofwar.org/secondworldwar/date/1943_08_24.html

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