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H Class Destroyers/ Acorn Class Destroyers
H3K, Kawanishi
H6K ‘Mavis’, Kawanishi
H8K 'Emily', Kawanishi
Hackett, John Winthrop, Junior, 1910 - 1997
Haelen, battle of, 12 August 1914
Hai An
Hainau, combat, 26 May 1813
Hale (DD-133), USS/ HMS Caldwell
Haliartus, battle of, c.395
Halidon Hill, battle of, 1333
Halle, battle of, 17 October 1806
Halsey Jr, William Frederick "Bull", 1882-1959
Halus, siege of, c.346 BC
Halys, battle of, 82 B.C.
Hamah, battle of the Horns of, 13 April 1175
Hambleton, USS (DD-455/ DMS-20)
Hamburg, siege of of, 3 December 1813-27 May 1814
Hamilton, HMS/ USS Kalk (DD-170)
Hamilton, USS (DD-141/ DMS-18/ AG-111)
Hammann, USS (DD-412)
Hammelburg, battle of, 10 July 1866
Hampton Court, treaty of, 20 September 1562
Hampton Roads, 8-9 March 1862
Hanau, battle of, 30-31 October 1813
Handley Page O/400
Handley Page Halifax
Handley Page Hampden
Handley Page Harrow
Handley Page Hereford
Handley Page Heyford
Handy, HMS (1895)
Hardy, HMS (1913)
Harpy, HMS (1909)
Hanger (Sword)
Hannibal Barca, 247- 183B
Hannibal, HMS
Haochih, battle of, 206 BC
Hapsburg-Valois War, First (1521-26)/ Fourth Italian War
Hapsburg-Valois War, Second or War of the League of Cognac (1526-30)
Hapsburg-Valois War, Third (1536-38)
Hapsburg-Valois War, Fourth (1542-44)
Hapsburg-Valois War, Fifth (1547-59)
Hara, siege of (1637-1638) (Japan)
Haraden, USS (DD-183)/ HMCS Columbia
Hardee, William J., 1815-1873
Harding, USS (DD-91)
Harding, USS (DD-625/ DMS-28)
Harenc, battle of, 31 December 1097 (First Crusade)

Harenc, battle of, 9 February 1097 (First Crusade

Harfleur, siege of, 19 August-22 September 1415

Hargest, Brigadier James, 1891-1944

Haslach, combat of, 14 July 1796
Harlech Castle, siege of, to August 1468
Harmon, Millard Fillmore, 1888-1945
Harper’s Ferry, siege of, 13-15 September 1862
Harpoon, Lockheed PV-2
Hart, USS (DD-110/ DM-8)
Hartlepool Raid, 16 December 1914
Hastenbach, battle of, 26 July 1757 (Germany)
Hastings, battle of, 14 October 1066
Hatchie Bridge, skirmish at, 5 October 1862
Hatfield Chase, battle of, 632
Hatfield, USS (DD-231)
Hats, Operation, 30 August-5 September 1940
Hatteras, battle of, 28-29 August 1861
Hattin, battle of, 4 July 1187
Hausen, Max Klemens von, 1846-1922
Hausser, Paul, 1880-1972
Hauwei Island, battle of, 11-13 March 1944
Havoc, Douglas A-20 (USAAF Bomber)
Havoc, Douglas (RAF Night Fighter)
Hawaii, USS (CB-3)
Hawke, Edward, first Baron Hawke, admiral of the fleet (1705-1781)
Hawk 81/ Hawk 87/ Tomahawk/ Kittyhawk/ Warhawk, Curtiss P-40
Hawker Audax
Hawker Danecock
Hawker Dantorp
Hawker Demon
Hawker Duiker
Hawker F.20/27
Hawker Fury
Hawker Hardy
Hawker Harrier
Hawker Hart
Hawker Hartebeeste
Hawker Hawfinch
Hawker Hector
Hawker Hedgehog
Hawker Henley
Hawker Heron
Hawker Hind
Hawker Hoopee
Hawker Hornbill
Hawker Hornet
Hawker Horsley
Hawker Hotspur
Hawker Hunter
Hawker Hurricane
Hawker Nimrod
Hawker Osprey
Hawker P.V.3
Hawker P.V.4
Hawker Sea Fury
Hawker Sea Hawk
Hawker Sea Hurricane
Hawker Tempest
Hawker Tomtit
Hawker Tornado
Hawker Typhoon
Hawker Woodcock
Hawker, L. G., VC, DSO. (1890-1916)
Hazelwood, USS (DD-107)
Heavy 30.5cm Kartaune L/30 (30.5cm barrel L/30 on mortar chassis)
Heavy Assault Tank, A33, Excelsior
Heavy Assault Tank, A39, Tortoise
Heavy Tank Mark VIII (Liberty Tank)
Heavy Tank M6/ Heavy Tank T1
Heavy Tank M45 (T26E2)
Heavy Tank T28/ 105mm Gun Motor Carriage T95
Heavy Tank T29
Heavy Tank T30
Heavy Tank T32
Heavy Tank T34
Heavy Tank, TOG
Heavy Tank, TOG II
Hedgeley Moor, battle of, 1464
Heidelberg, combat of, 23-25 September 1795
Heilbronn, League of (1633-5)
Heilsberg, battle of, 10 June 1807
Heinkel He 45
Heinkel He 46
Heinkel He 49
Heinkel He 50
Heinkel He 51
Heinkel He 52
Heinkel He 59
Heinkel He 60
Heinkel He 65
Heinkel He 66
Heinkel He 70
Heinkel He 111
Heinkel He 114
Heinkel He 115
Heinkel He 119
Heinkel He 162 Spatz
Heinkel He 170
Heinkel He 177 Greif (Griffon)
Heinkel He 177 Greif (Peter Antill)
Heinkel He 178
Heinkel He 219
Heinkel He 270
Heinkel He 274
Heinkel He 277
Heinkel He 280
Helena, Arkansas, battle of, 4 July 1863
Helena, USS (CA-75)
Helena, USS (CL-50)
Helorus River, battle of the, c.492 BC
Helgoland class battleships
Heligoland Bight, battle of, 28 August 1914 (Naval Battle)
Heligoland Bight, battle of, 18 December 1939
Hellcat, Grumman F6F
Helldiver, Curtiss SBC
Hellenic or Lamian War, 323-321 BC
Helm, USS (DD-388)
Helmstadt, battle of, 25 July 1866
Henley, USS (DD-39)
Henley, USS (DD-391)
Henry VI, King of England, 1421-1471
Henschel Hs 117 'Schmetterling'
Henschel Hs 122
Henschel Hs 123
Henschel Hs 126
Henschel Hs 128
Henschel Hs 129
Henschel Hs 130
Henschel Hs 296
Henschel Hs 297
Henshaw, USS (DD-278)
Herat, siege of, 1381
Herat, revolt of, 1383
Herbert, USS (DD-160/ APD-22)
Herculaneum, siege, to 11 June 89 BC
Hercules 'Spectre' AC-130
Hermann Göring Formation: From Police Detachment to Panzer Corps
Hermes, HMS
Hermeum, battle of, 354 or 353 BC
Herndon, USS (DD-198)/ HMS Churchill
Herrings, battle of the, (France), 1429
Hersir, Viking
Hetzer/ Jagdpanzer 38(t)
Heworth, battle of, 24 August 1453
Hexham, battle of, 1464
Higham, battle of, 24 March 1643
Highflyer class second class cruisers
Highflyer, HMS
Hilary P Jones, USS (DD-427)
Hill, Ambrose Powell, 1825-1865
Hilliers, General Louis Baraguey d', 1764-1813
Hijacking, Terrorist
Hill, Rowland "Daddy" (1772-1842)
Hiller, Johann, Freiherr von, 1748-1819
Himera, battle of, autumn 480 BC
Himera, siege of, 480 BC
Himera River, battle of, 446 BC
Hindenburg, SMS
Hind, HMS (1911)
'Hind', Mil Mi-24
Hingston Down, battle of, 838
Hippocrates, Tyrant of Gela, fl.498-491
Hippo Regius, battle of, summer 46 BC
Hiro G2H
Hisor, siege of, winter-spring 1496
Histiaeus, d.c.494/493 BC
HMS Glowworm
HMS Glorious
HMS Mermaid
Hoare, Mike, 1920-
Hobby, USS (DD-610)
Hobkirk's Hill, battle of, 25 April 1781
Hobson, USS (DD-464)
Hochkirch, 14 October 1758
Hochst, 20 June 1622
Höchst, battle of, 11 October 1795
Hodges, Courtney Hicks, 1887-1966
Hof, combat of, 6 February 1807
Hoffman, Max, 1869-1927, German General
Hogan, USS (DD-178/ DMS-6)
Hohenfridberg, 4 June 1745
Hohenzollern-Hechingen, Prince Friedrich, 1757-1844
Hollabrunn, combat of, 15-16 November 1805
Hollabrunn, combat of, 9 July 1809
Hollandia, battle of, 22-27 April 1944
Holme, battle of the
'Holmes's Bonfire', 10 August 1666
Holowczyn, battle of, 4 July 1708 (NS)
Holy League, War of the, 1510-1514
Homildon Hill, battle of, 1402
Hondschoote, battle of, 8 September 1793
Hong Canal, Treaty of the, 203 BC
Honigfelde, battle of, 27 June 1629
Honolulu, USS (CL-48)
Hooker, Joseph, 1814-1879
Hooker, Operation, the Pizzo landings, 8 September 1943
Hope, HMS (1910)
Hopewell, USS (DD-181)/ HMS Bath
Hopkins Class Destroyers
Hopkins, USS, (DD-6)
Hopkins, USS (DD-249/ DMS-13)
Horaniu, action off, 18 August
Horii, General Tomitaro, 1890-1942
Horizon Common New Generation Frigate
Horizon: The Common New Generation Frigate (Longer article)
Hornet, HMS (1911)
Hornet vs Peacock, 24 February 1813
Hornet vs Penguin, 23 March 1815
Hornisse/ Nashorn / 8.8cm Pak43/1 (L/71) auf Fahrgestell Panzerkampfwagen III/IV (Sf)
Horseshoe Bend, battle of, 27 March 1814 (U.S.A.)
Hoshigaoka, battle of, 28 January 1333
Hostalrich, combat of, 7 November 1809
Hostalrich, siege of, 16 January-12 May 1810
Hotchkiss H35, Char Léger
Hotchkiss H39, Char Léger
Hoth, Hermann, 1885-1971
'Hotspur, Percy, Henry, (1364-1403)
Hotze, Johann Conrad (Freidrich), Freiherr von (1739-99)
Houchard, Jean Nicholas, 1738-1793
Houston, USS (CA-30)
Houston USS (CL-81)
Hovey, USS (DD-208/ DMS-11)
Howard, USS (DD-179/ DMS-7)
Hoyerswerda, combat of, 28 May 1813
H.R.E.2, Royal Aircraft Factory
H.R.E.6, Royal Aircraft Factory
Hsia-p’ei, battle of, 204 BC
Huan T'ai composite cruiser
Hube, Generalleutnant Hans (1890-1944)
Hubertusburg, Treaty of, 15 February 1763
Hudson/ A-28/ A-29, Lockheed
Huff-Daland Airplanes Incorporated
Huff-Daland LB-1
Huff-Daland XHB-1 Cyclops
Huff-Daland XHB-3
Huff-Daland XLB-3
Huff-Daland XLB-5
Hughes, USS (DD-410)
Huhnerwasser, combat of, 26 June 1866
Huj, affair of, 8 November 1917
Hulbert, USS (DD-342/ AVD-6)
Hull, USS (DD-7)
Hull, USS (DD-330)
Hull, USS (DD-350)
Humanitarian Aid Operations, Military Involvement in
Humber Armoured Car
Humber class monitors
Humber, HMS
Humber Light Reconnaissance Car/ Ironside/ Humberette
Humber Scout Car
Hummel (Bumblebee)
Humphreys, USS (DD-236/ APD-12)
Hundheim, combat of, 23 July 1866
Hundred Days, 18 July-11 November 1918
Hundred Years War (1337-1453)
Huningue, siege of, 26 October 1796-19 February 1797
Hunt, USS (DD-194)/ HMS Broadway
Hunter, HMS
Huntington, USS (CL-77)
Huntington, USS (CL-107)
Huon Peninsula Campaign, 22 September 1943-24 April 1944
Hurry, Operation, 1-4 August 1940
Husky, Operation - the Invasion of Sicily, 10 July- 17 August 1943
Husky No.1, Operation, 9 July 1943
Husky No.2, Operation, 11-12 July 1943
Hussar (Napoleonic)
Hutier, Oskar von, 1857-1934
Hyacinth, HMS
Hydra, HMS (1912)
Hyundai K1 (Type 88) Main Battle Tank (South Korea)