G1M1, Mitsubishi
G2H, Hiro
G3M Type 96 Attack Bomber 'Nell', Mitsubishi
G3M1, Mitsubishi
G3M2, Mitsubishi
G3M3, Mitsubishi
G4M 'Betty', Mitsubishi (Japan)
G8N Renzan (Mountain Range), Nakajima
Gabbard, the/ Nieuwpoort, battle of, 2-3 June 1653
Gabes / Wadi Akarit, battle of, 6-7 April 1943
Gabiene, battle of, 316 BC
Gaeta, siege of, 3 November 1860-13 February 1861
G Class Destroyer (1909)/ Beagle Class Destroyers
'G' Class Fleet Destroyer
GAF Nomad
Gaines’s Mill, battle of, 27 June 1862
Gaixia, battle of, January 202 BC
Galatea HMS
Galena, U.S.S.
Galia, Operation, 27 December 1944-20 February 1945
Galland, Adolf, 1911-1994
Gallic Invasion of Italy, first, 390 B.C.
Gallic War of c.284-283
Gallic War, 58-51 B.C.
Gallieni, Joseph, 1849-1916
Gallipoli Campaign 1915 - 1916
Gallwitz, Max von, German General, 1852-1937
Galveston, USS, (CL-93)
Gambit, Operation, 2-6 June 1944
Gamble, USS (DD-123/ DM-15)
Gamonel, battle of, 10 November 1808
Gangut, battle of, 6 August 1714 NS
Gansevoort, USS (DD-608)
Garcia Hernandez, combat, 23 July 1812
Garfagnana, battle of/ Operation Wintergewitter , 26-28 December 1944
Garigliano, the, (nr Cassino), 28-29 December 1503
Garland, HMS (1913)
Garry, HMS (1905)
Gattling Gun, history of
Gauley Bridge, Skirmish at, 3 September 1861
Gaza, first battle of, 26-27 March 1917
Gaza, second battle of, 17-19 April 1917
Gaza, third battle of, 31 October-7 November 1917
Gazala, battle of, 26 May-14 June 1942
Gazan, General Honoré-Théodore-Maxime, comte de la Peyrière, 1765-1845
Gazelle class light cruisers
Gebora River, battle of the, 19 February 1811
Geiersberg, combat of, 10 September 1813 (Saxony)
Geisberg, the, battle of, 25-26 December 1793
Gelon, tyrant of Gela and Syracuse, fl.491-477 BC
Gem class third class cruisers
Gemmano, battle of, 4-15 September 1944
Genko War, 1331-33
Genola, battle of, 4 November 1799
Gentz, Freidrich von, 1764-1832
George I, (1660-1727), elector of Hanover (1698-1727), king of Great Britain and Ireland (1714-1727)
George II (1683-1760), king of Great Britain and Ireland (1727-1760)
George E Badger, USS (DD-196/ APD-33)
Georgetown, HMS/ USS Maddox (DD-168)
Gerchsheim, battle of, 25 July 1866
Gergovia, siege of, May 52 BC
Germain, George Sackville, first Viscount Sackville (1716-1785)
German Army Equipment, Second World War
Germantown, battle of, 4 October 1777
Gerona, first siege, 20-21 June 1808
Gerona, second siege, 24 July-16 August 1808
Gerona, third siege, 24 May-11 December 1809
Gerow, Leonard Townsend, 1888-1972
Geschutzwagen Tiger für 17cm K72 (Sf), fur 21cm Mrs 18/1 (Sf) und fur 30.5cm GrW Sf 1-606/9
Gettysburg, battle of, 1-3 July 1863
Geyr von Schweppenburg, General Leo Freiherr, 1886-1974
Ghaj-davan/ Ghujduwan, battle of, Tuesday 12 November 1512
Ghazni, battle of, 1515
Gheluvelt, battle of, 29-31 October 1914
Gherardi, USS (DD-637/ DMS-30)
Ghormley, Vice-Admiral Robert Lee, 1883-1958
Ghurka, HMS (1907)
Giant I (Revised), Operation, 13-14 September 1943
Giant III, Operation, 14-15 September 1943
Giant IV, Operation, 14-15 September 1943
Giessen, combat of, 16 September 1796
Gillespie, USS (DD-609)
Gillis, USS (DD-260/ AVD-12)
Gilmer, USS (DD-233/ APD-11)
Ginchy, battle of, 9 September 1916
Gingee, battle of, 11 September 1750
Gingee, battle of, 6 August 1752
Gipsy, HMS (1897)
Gitschin or Jicin, battle of, 29 June 1866
Gladius (Roman short sword)
Glanis River, battle of, 83 BC
Glasgow, HMS
Gleaves, USS (DD-423)
Glendale, battle of, 30 June 1862
Glennon, USS (DD-620)
Glogau, siege of, 15 March- 27 May 1813
Glory, HMS
Gloster E.28/39
Gloster E.5/42
Gloster Gauntlet (SS.19)
Gloster Gladiator
Gloster Meteor
Gloucester, HMS
Gloucester, siege of, 10 August-5 September 1643
Gneisenau, Field Marshal August Wilhelm Anton, Graf Neithardt von, 1760-1831
Gneisenau, SMS
Gnila Lipa, battle of, 26-30 August 1914
Goeben, SMS
Goff, USS (DD-247)
Gogra River, battle of the, 4-6 May 1529
Göhrde, action on, 16 September 1813
Gold Beach, 6 June 1944
Goldberg, battle of, 23 August 1813
Golden Rock, battle of, or first battle of Trichinopoly, 7 July 1753
Goldfinch, HMS (1910)
Goldsborough, USS (DD-188/ AVP-18/ AVD-5/ APD-32)
Goliath, HMS
Golymin, battle of, 26 December 1806
Gomphi, siege of, 48 BC
Gona, battle of, 19 November-9 December 1942
Gonzaga, Francesco II, Marquess of Mantua, (d.1519)
Goodenough Island, battle of, 22-24 October 1942
Goodenough, Sir William Edmund, 1867-1945, British Admiral
Good Hope, HMS
Goodtime, Operation - the invasion of the Treasury Islands (27 October 12 November 1943)
Goodwin Sands, battle of, 19 May 1652
Goodwood, Operation, 18-20 July 1944
Goodyear F2G “Super” Corsair
Gorgobina, siege of, early 52 B.C.
Gorgon class monitors
Gorlice-Tarnow, battle of, 2-10 May 1915
Gorlitz, combat of, 23 May 1813
Gort, John Vereker, sixth Viscount, 1886-1946
Goshawk, HMS (1911)
Gospic or Gospitsh, combat of, 21-22 May 1809
Gothic Line, first attack on (Operation Olive,25 August-October 1944)
Gotland, battle of, 11 September 1563
Gotland-Öland, battle of, 30-31 May 1564
Gottska Sandö, battle of, 4 June 1719
Gough, General Sir Hubert de la Poer, 1870-1963
Gough-Calthorpe, Sir Somerset Arthur, 1864-1937, British Admiral
Gouvion-Saint-Cyr, Laurent Marquis de (1764-1830)
Gracac, combat of, 17 May 1809
Graham, USS (DD-192)
Grampus, HMS (1912-)/ HMS Nautilus (1910-12)
Granada, Treaty of, 11 November 1500
Granby, John Manners, Marquess of Granby (1721-1770)
Grande Couronne of Nancy, battle of the, 25 August-11 September 1914
Granollers, combat of, 21-22 January 1810
Granson, battle of, 2 March 1476 (Switzerland)
Grant/ Lee/ Medium Tank M3
Grant, Ulysses Simpson (1822-1885)
Grapeshot, Operation - the Allied Spring Offensive in Italy (9 April-2 May 1945)
Grasshopper, HMS (1909)
Graudenz class light cruisers
Gravelines, battle of, 13 July 1558
Gravelines, battle of, 29 July 1588
Grayson, USS (DD-435)
Graziani, Rodolfo, 1882-1955
Great Flank March to Bloemfontein, 11 February-13 March 1900
Great Lakes TG-1/ Great Lakes TG-2/ Martin T4M
Great Peloponnesian War, 431-404 BC
Great Roman Civil War, 50-44 BC
Greco-Persian Wars, 499-448 BC
Green Islands, battle of the, 15-20 February 1944
Green Mountain Boys
Greene, USS (DD-266/ AVD-13/ APD-36)
Greer, USS (DD-145)
Gregory, USS (DD-82/ APD-3)
Greif, Operation (16 December 1944 onwards)
Grenvile, Sir Bevil, 1596-1643, Royalist General
Grenville, HMS (1916)
Greyhound, HMS (1900)
Gridley Class Destroyers
Gridley, USS (DD-92)
Gridley, USS (DD-380)
Griffon, HMS (1896)
Grijon, combat of, 11 May 1809
Grille/ 15cm sIG33 (Sfl) auf PzKpfw 38(t) ausf H, M
Grizzly Mk I, Cruiser Tank (Canada)
Groener, Wilhelm (1867-1939)
Grossbeeren, battle of, 23 August 1813
Grouchy, Emmanuel, Marquis de, 1766-1847
Groveton, battle of, 28 August 1862
Grumentum, battle near, 90 BC
Grumman AF Guardian
Grumman FF
Grumman F2F
Grumman F3F
Grumman F4F Wildcat and Martlet
Grumman F6F Hellcat
Grumman F9F (F-9) Panther
Grumman F9F (F-9) Cougar
Grumman F11F (F-11) Tiger
Grumman JF
Grumman J2F Duck
Grumman J4F Widgeon
Grumman JRF Goose
Grumman SF
Grumman S2F/ S-2 Tracker
Grumman TBF/ TBM Avenger
Grumman TF/ C-1 Trader
Grumman WF/ E-1 Tracer
Grumman XF5F Skyrocket
Grumman XF10F-1 Jaguar
Grumman XP-50 Skyrocket
Grumman XP-65
Gruningen, affair of, 21 April 1797
Guadalcanal, battle for (August 1942-February 1943)
Guadalcanal, naval battle of, 13-15 November 1942
Guadalupe Hidalgo, Treaty of, 2 February 1848
Guam, USS (CB-2)
Guam, battle of, 10 December 1941
Guam, battle of, 21 July-9 August 1944
Guarda, combat of, of 29 March 1811
Guarda, combat of, 14 April 1812
Gudin de la Sablonniere, General Charles-Etienne, comte, 1768-1812
Guesclin, Bertrand du, constable of France
Guernica, combat of, 2 and 5 April 1813
Guerrilla Warfare
Guieu, Jean Joseph, 1758-1817
Guilford Courthouse, battle of, 15 March 1781
Guillemont, battle of, 3-6 September 1916
Gujarat or Kayadara, battle of, 1178
Gulf War (1991)
Gulf War - Coalition Amphibious Operations
Guling, battle of, November 203 BC
Gumbinnen, battle of, 20 August 1914 (East Prussia)
Gunboat, Napoleonic, Royal Navy
Gun Carrier, 3in, Mk I, Churchill
Gun Sen (folding War fan)
Gunzburg, combat of, 9 October 1805
Gustav Line or Winter Line, battle of, 12 January-18 May 1944
Guy Armoured Car
Gwin, USS (DD-71)
Gwin, USS (DD-433)
Gyulai, Ignaz, Graf von Maros-Nemth und Nadaska, 1763-1831