We start with a look at the size of the forces being examined here, which makes you realise just how tiny the pre-war US Regular Army had been. In April 1861 the army contained 16,402 men. In comparision during the Civil War the United Colored Troops enrolled 99,337 men and the Territories alone 16,871. The Regular Army actually didn’t expand as much as one might have expected, with 62,000 men enrolled during the war years, although of course not all at the same time.
Once we get into the regular chapters each starts with a brief look at the size and structure of the body in question, followed by the uniform – colours, style of clothes, buttons, sword belts etc.
This book covers a wide range of different types of units, so there is quite a bit of variety in the uniforms being described. There is a mix of front line and support services, so the wargamer will find some parts more directly relevant than others, but the support services add nice colour to the modelling.
General Officers
The General Staff and Staff Corps
Dragoons, Mounted Riflemen and Cavalry
United States Colored Troops
United States Sharpshooters
The Invalid/ Veteran Reserve Corps
The Territories
The US Indian Home Guard
The Medical Department and Related Services
The Corps of Engineers
Ordnance Sergeants and Enlisted Men
The Military Telegraph Service
The Signal Corps
Author: Ron Field
Edition: Paperback
Pages: 48
Publisher: Osprey
Year: 2024