Fieseler Fi 156U

The Fieseler Fi 156U was the designation given to an experimental version of the Storch used to test out a number of different payloads. The aircraft was originally built as a Fi 156C-2, before being taken to the Rechlin test centre. Three ETC 50 bomb racks were fitted, one on the centreline of the fuselage, under the cross-bracing for the landing gear, and one on each wing, mounted on the wing struts. Each could carry one 110lb SC 50 bomb. Other experiments were carried out using a 298lb French depth charge. Neither of these weapon loads were used in combat, but the research did help produce the Fi 156F or P, which carried a small bomb load.

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How to cite this article: Rickard, J (5 April 2010), Fieseler Fi 156U ,

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