Plans of Invincible Class Battlecruisers
These plans show the Invincible class battlecruisers (Invincible, Indomitable and Inflexible) and the very similar HMS Indefatigable. These were the cruiser equivilants of the Dreadnought, and introduced all-big gun armament and turbine power to the armoured cruiser. The layout of the turrets meant that it was possible to fire all four on the broadside, giving her the same broadside as the ten-gun Dreadnought, where this couldn't be done. However the combination of thin armour and heavy battleship class guns meant that they were used as part of the battlefleet, and Invincible and Indefatigable were both sunk at Jutland, where they proved to be vulnerable to fire from German heavy guns.
How to cite this article:
Rickard, J (7 December 2018), Plans of Invincible Class Battlecruisers ,